There are several good Amazonian lodges one can visit, but my favorite destination is the Guapore River. River expeditions Leader Andy Leeman has traveled on most of the world’s rivers and called the Guapore the most beautiful river he had been on. We like it as within an area of 35km from the lodge on the riverside, we can see several species of primates, giant otters and giant turtles, jaguars, many Amazonian birds, and so much more. One side river is so clear we observe turtles and colorful fish on the river bottom, while others have hundreds or another species of turtles. We bring in our boat from Caceres to get to the historic escaped slave town of Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade, cross the Guapore and then travel north and deeper into the Amazon on a well-maintained dirt road. We are usually again the only boat on this part of the river. In fact, we are the only professional nature tour company working here, as one needs a boat to travel on the Guapore and side rivers.
The best time for this tour is May through October, with earlier better as side rivers become inaccessible as the water level drops. This destination combines best with the tour above on the Paraguay River from Caceres, with the same service we described on that tour.